Friday, September 4, 2009

DKI Acting Academy for Teens

Our dynamic ACTING ACADEMY is open to all students attending middle school and high school. It attracts a wide range of young people, from those seeking to increase their confidence and speaking ability, to those hoping to pursue a career in theatre and media. The theatre arts program encompasses a five year cycle of curriculum providing young actors with a great diversity of material. As with the classes for 5 – 11 year olds, the developmental side of the program is still important, encouraging students to become confident, articulate communicators. However, the theatre arts side of the program in the ACTING ACADEMY is very comprehensive, covering spontaneous improvisation, voice production, small-group improvisation, mini-scripts, character analysis, open-ended dialogues, theatre games, radio plays, quick-fire dialogues, monologues and structured scenes. In the final term of each year, students begin work on a scripted production which is performed for a public audience. This is always a highlight of the year and reflects the talents and skills of students and their teachers. Last but not least, many lasting friendships are made through attending the ACTING ACADEMY.

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